Sunday, May 24, 2020

Twitter’s New Limiting-replies Feature Will Arrive Soon

Twitter is about to add a new feature to its service, and currently, they are still testing it. The feature will grant the users to choose their ideal audience who can repost or reply to their tweets. The following news has been issued by Twitter itself on 20th May 2020. The company stated that they are officially testing the feature using some of its employees’ Twitter account. In addition to this, they added that soon the feature would be included to all users on Twitter present globally.
The above feature will ensure and maintain a lot of etiquette on Twitter. As earlier, everyone has the right to reply to anyone’s tweet, which often led to a fight. However, after the following feature, the users now have the right to select the people whose replies they can accept. The feature grants the users to toggle the reply feature from everyone to either the people whom you have tagged or the people whom you have followed.
Twitter also took help from one of the leading news providers, Meet the Press alongside NBC News for testing of their new feature. Through their official Twitter handle, Meet the Press took the interview of NBC News’s Andrea Mitchell. In their tweet, Meet the Press has tagged NBC News alongside Andrew Mitchell and they have toggled the reply feature set to only tagged people. The interview kept going on over replies without any interference.
However, instead of this feature, the users have their own way of throwing their opinion to random people. Similarly, in the post-interview, they used the tweet messages feature to interrupt Meet the Press and Andrew Mitchell. However, both of them seem out to be unphased during the interview sessions.
Following the new interview trend, the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, replied to the post-2019 February interview with Kara Swisher. He mentioned her Twitter account and added Kara to use the “reply to me” if they are ready for another interview. It was a clear intention of Jack to inform Kara along with the rest of its service users the feature is almost ready and soon it will be launched.
The limiting replies feature will definitely be going to stop the irrelevant fights through provocation that spread through unwanted replies. Alongside this, it will surely be going to make Twitter more personal than ever. Besides, Twitter in the past few months is trying really hard to overcome the bad influence and impact of the tweets of several negative figures over Twitter. Now we all need to wait to see what help will the limiting replies do in overcoming it.
Daisy Martin  is an avid technical blogger, a magazine contributor, a publisher of guides at and a professional cyber security analyst. Through her writing, she aims to educate people about the dangers and threats lurking in the digital world.

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