Google Sheets is one of the best platforms to create spreadsheets and offers a high quality of life features. Quick style is not one of them. You can apply alternate colors to both the columns and rows in a spreadsheet by using conditional formatting. Here’s how to highlight alternate rows in Google Sheets.

Steps to Highlight Alternate Rows in Google Sheets
• Open the internet browser,
• Web browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc.
• Go to the Google Sheets site.
• Select Google Sheets by using Google Drive.
• Sign in to the Google account in case you are not signed in yet.
• In case you have opened that page by using Google Drive or Google Sheets, you have to launch or make a new spreadsheet,
• If you have already created a spreadsheet, then click twice on it.
• You need to follow the below-mentioned steps if you are creating a new spreadsheet through Google Sheets site:
1. Place the mouse cursor above the plus symbol.
2. This symbol is located at the end right-hand side.
3. Press on the Create new spreadsheet symbol.
• In case you are creating a new spreadsheet through Google Drive, then follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Press on the + NEW option.
2. This option is located on the left-hand corner of the menu list.
3. Choose Google Sheets by going to the pull-down menu.
• Press on the Format option.
• You will get this option from the menu at the upper side of the display.
• It will open the option named as “Conditional format rules” from the right-hand side of the display.
• Type the conditions in the input sections on the basis of what you are trying to pull out. Go through the information of each section:
1. Format cells if: It is an option which helps you to select a particular cell which is formatted with the selected formatting settings. Press on the checkbox. By going to the pull-down list, choose the “Custom formula is” option.
2. Formatting style: In this option, you can select the fonts and colors of the alternate rows. You can do changes where you want to. In case you don’t have any problem with the default setting, then you don’t need to make any changes.
3. Apply to the range: Select the cells from which you will get the alternative colors that you can apply. Press on the input section and choose the cell. Otherwise, choose the cell range, or you can type the value manually.
4. Value or Formula: Here, you will get the “IF” formula. Select the “Custom formula is” option. You have to type the formula in the given box. For adding the colors to each row, type =ISEVEN(ROW()) in the given box.
5. After filling all the boxes, press on the Done option.
6. This option is located at the end for saving the changes you have made in the settings tab.
Kellie minton is an avid technical blogger, a magazine contributor, a publisher of guides at, and a professional cyber security analyst. Through her writing, she aims to educate people about the dangers and threats lurking in the digital world.
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